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Nanotechnology conference

19 Dec, 202221 Dec, 2022
9 am - 5 pm
Marriott, Aida Ballroom

About Event

EiTESAL organized the second international conference for Nanotechnology and had the pleasure to have 2 Nobel laureates as keynote speakers and other distinguished speakers from different regions.

Event Speakers

Jean-Pierre Sauvage

French coordination chemist working at Strasbourg University

Jean-Pierre Sauvage is a French coordination chemist working at Strasbourg University. He graduated from the National School of Chemistry of Strasbourg (now known as ECPM Strasbourg), in 1967. He has specialized in supramolecular chemistry for which he has been awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa.

Jean-Marie Lehn

French chemist

Jean-Marie Lehn is a French chemist. He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with Donald Cram and Charles Pedersen in 1987 for his synthesis of cryptands.


Executive Vice President and Chairman

Pharmaceutical Research Institute (PRI) Executive Vice President and Chairman Shaker A. Mousa, Ph.D., MBA, FACC, FACB, has demonstrated throughout his distinguished career the ability to bring novel concepts from "the bench to the bedside."

Mikhael Bechelany

Montpellier, France

Dr. Mikhael Bechelany is a CNRS Research Director at the European Institute of Membranes (IEM), University of Montpellier.

Hailei Zhao

Professor at Department of Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials

Hailei Zhao, the professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering.

Vladimir G. Dubrovskii

Head of Laboratory of physics of nanostructures

Vladimir G. Dubrovskii is the head of Laboratory of physics of nanostructures at St. Petersburg Academic University.

Weihua Tang

Xiamen University

Tsuyoshi Yoshitake


National University Corporation Kyushu University, Electrical Engineering Sciences.

Nasser Barakat

Minia University · Department of Chemical Engineering PhD

Department of Organic Materials and Fiber Engineering.Jeonju, South Korea.

Tarik Bourouina

Université Gustave Eiffel, ESIEE Paris, CNRS, ESYCOM Lab

Tarik Bourouina is full Professor in Physics at ESIEE Paris School of Engineering, a founding member of Université Gustave Eiffel.

Said ElNashaie

Prof.Dr. at University of Waterloo

Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada .

Choon-Gi Choi

Head of Graphene Research Team, ETRI

He is currently a head of the Graphene Research Laboratory in the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea and a professor at the Department of Advanced Device Technology in University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea.

Event Sponsors
